Sessions and prices
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Foot reflexology
A foot reflexology session lasts on average 1 hour for adults or adolescents but may be shorter and with reduced pressure for more fragile people such as pregnant women or children.
It applies to both feet, to all reflex zones, to certain points of the meridians by acupressure and certain “special points” from Chinese clinical experience.
A session cannot be done in the event of phlebitis or arteritis in the calf, in the acute phase.
Also, for feet with injuries, fractures, acute tendinitis, sprains in the acute phase, the traumatized area of the foot cannot be worked.
Why should you consult me about naturopathy ?
Reflexology and naturopathy complement each other. Reflexology helps restore balance by working on the reflex zones of the foot through touch.
The imbalances addressed during the session may stem from individuals' lifestyles, habits, or other factors.
A naturopathic assessment can assist with the various issues expressed by individuals or identified during foot reflexology work.
This approach provides a holistic dimension to patient care, addressing multiple levels of well-being.
Services Price
Foot reflexology in the office – 30 minutes 35€
Foot reflexology in the office – 1 hour 55€
Plantar reflexology at home – 1 hour 70€
As a preventive measure to optimize your health capital or assist you in case of chronic conditions, alongside conventional medicine, I provide individual consultations to help you achieve overall well-being through natural techniques.
Naturopathy focuses on the human being as a whole. The main pillars of naturopathic support are nutrition, physical activity, and psycho-emotional balance.
Why consult me for reflexology as well ?
Following the naturopathy assessment or follow-up sessions, individuals must take action to implement new habits to optimize their health capital and/or address imbalances, using various natural health techniques such as nutrition and physical exercise recommended by the naturopath.
There are ten techniques in total.
Foot reflexology is one of these techniques. Therefore, I may recommend foot reflexology if I believe it could be beneficial for you, especially in relation to your goals.
Services Price
Naturopathy assessment – 1h15 to 1h30 75€
Follow-up – 45 minutes 50€

Le massage crânio-facial-scapulaire est une véritable invitation à la détente et au bien-être. En travaillant en douceur sur le crâne, le visage et la région des épaules, ce soin libère les tensions accumulées et procure une sensation immédiate de légèreté et de relaxation profonde.
Ce massage pourra par exemple aider à réduire le stress, l'anxiété, à améliorer le sommeil, à relâcher les muscles dans les zones contractées, à favoriser les circulations sanguines et lymphatiques, à rééquilibrer l'énergie du corps.
Il se combine très bien à la réflexologie plantaire.
Fièvre, infections ou maladies contagieuses
Chirurgie récente au niveau de la tête, du visage ou des épaules (cicatrisation incomplète).
Fractures récentes dans les zones massées.
Problèmes cardiaques importants.
Femmes enceintes dans les 3 premiers mois de grossesse
En cas de plaies, de brûlures ou d’affections cutanées sur le visage, le crâne ou les épaules (eczéma sévère, psoriasis, herpès, etc.), la zone affectée ne sera pas touchée.
En cas de doute, je vous remercie d’en parler avec votre médecin au préalable.
Services Price
Naturo Food Balance – 45 minutes 50€